ECP4 brings innovation partners together to identify opportunities for collaborative Research and Development efforts which yields industrial innovation to improve competitiveness in the global economy and meet societal and environmental challenges.
ECP4 facilitates informal networking among innovation partners who frequently include SME companies, and makes use of the wide levels of scientific and engineering expertise to achieve objectives.
ECP4 facilitates the access of the European plastics industry to EU Research programmes, thus enabling SMEs to innovate, gain competitiveness, and fulfill sustainable goals.
ECP4 wishes to guide the European Commission on emerging opportunities in plastics and composites research and technology to increase competitiveness and meet societal challenges.
What we do
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Plastics
The Strategic Research Agenda for the Plastics and Composites Industry is a plan to illustrate how European Industry and Research Organisations and the European Commission can work together to ensure we remain globally competitive, maintain our lead in technology and innovation, retain and grow investment and employment, fulfill Circular Economy objectives and meet societal challenges for a better tomorrow.
The Strategic Research Agenda has the following objectives:
• To clearly demonstrate the benefits of Plastics and Composites Research and Innovation for the European Union.
• To outline the future strategic research needs for the EU Plastics and Composites industries with proposals which meet the Commission's objectives and keep the EU Plastics and Composites industries at the forefront of innovation and globally competitive.
• To seek under Horizon Europe greater recognition of the potential for Plastics and Composites research and innovation with substantially more relevant topics in Horizon Europe Programme and approvals for funding.
Latest news
Circular Plastics Alliance
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Plastics
ECP4 signed the Circular Plastics Alliance Declaration. 2019 - 2020
The declaration describes the alliance's vision for more recycled plastics in Europe, as well as their commitments for action to reach the EU target to incorporate 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics into products in the EU annually by 2025.
ECP4 members are mainly involved in the definition of the R&D and investment needs, including the scale up of chemical recycling:
We commit to build by 1/3/2020 a research and development agenda on circular plastics, to address the technological barriers to meet the market and regulatory needs.
We commit to map by 1/1/2021 the investments and funding needed in collection, sorting, recycling and converting of plastics, and list the technological, economic and regulatory challenges to make these investments.
We call for the plastics value chains and public authorities to further invest along the lines of the R&D agenda and the mapping of investments mentioned above.
More information: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/policy/circular-plastics-alliance_en
Reports issued on Innovation Solutions Contributing to Plastic Sustainability Goals.
The reports have been released by the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) and its partners – Cefic, PlasticsEurope, European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform (ECP4).
These reports present a shared vision and demonstrates how collaboration within the plastic value chain can be a driving force for change.
Info Days
Introduction to European funding programmes for R&D
ECP4 facilitates informal networking among innovation partners who frequently include SME companies, and makes use of the wide levels of scientific and engineering expertise to achieve objectives.
Find here information about Info Days, Brokerage Events and Thematic Workshops.
Project building sessions and webinars to discuss project proposals
Project Building Sessions to facilitate the access of the European plastics industry to EU Research programmes and to advise on new technologies and their relevance for the plastics converters and the composites industry.
ECP4 members have considerable experience in European Projects and are currently active in supporting all industrial sectors where plastics and composites are used.
Automotive, Healthcare, Defence ,Energy, Transport, Building and Construction, Aerospace, Space technology, Safety and Security, Biotechnology, Food, Packaging, Sport, Electrical and Electronic, Agriculture, Environmental protection.
Members of ECP4 with their broad range of capabilities are involved in different European Technology Platforms (ETPs) recognised by the European Commission.